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Study Handbooks
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CAIA Level I
Certificate in
          ESG Investing

Study Handbooks

  • Are the summaries in the Study Handbooks comprehensive?
    Yes. Our experienced staff works closely with the CAIA Study Guides and the reference texts to ensure the most comprehensive, yet concise, descriptions of the learning objective statements. In addition, where necessary, we provide supplementary information so a concept or topic can be better understood.
  • Are the Study Handbooks well organized?
    Yes. Each learning objective statement is presented in a shaded box so it can easily be distinguished from the rest of the text. We also highlight the keywords from the CAIA Study Guide so they can also be easily seen.
  • Are the formulas in the Study Handbooks clearly presented and explained?
    Yes. Each formula is very clearly presented and explained. In addition, for each learning objective that involves a calculation, we provide a detailed example so clients understand how to apply the formula.
  • How many sample questions are in the Study Handbooks?
    Level I: There are about 275 questions in the Study Handbooks - a set at the end of each Topic chapter.
    Level II: There are about 220 questions in the Study Handbooks.
  • Are there answers and explanations for the sample questions?
    Yes. There is a table at the end of each set of questions that gives the answer and explanation to each question, in addition to the learning objective that the question is addressing.
  • Do the questions in the Study Handbooks also appear in the TestBank software?
    There is an option in TestBank for you to select whether to include the questions from the Study Handbooks. This feature enables you to first practice problems in TestBank that are distinct from those in the Study Handbooks - and then, toward the end of your study program, you can select to add the Study Handbook questions to TestBank, so that you can practice all available questions from one place.
  • Do the Level II Study Handbooks also cover the articles in the Current and Integrated Topics book?
    Yes. The Handbooks provide comprehensive summaries for the learning objectives in all the CAIA reference texts.
  • Are there any sample essays in the Level II Handbooks?
    Yes, the Handbooks include a set of sample essay questions together with guideline answers.

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